Publication of Comprehensive Report on Morbidity Management and Disability Prevention Mapping in Morang District

 The Health Office of Morang in collaboration with FAIRMED, under the Province Government's Ministry of Health and the Health Directorate, has successfully completed the Morbidity Management and Disability Prevention (MMDP) Mapping for the year 2079/080 (2023). 

Dr. Suresh Mehata, in his foreword, emphasizes the accuracy and relevance of the findings to the current situation in Morang district. The data collected will contribute to the sustainable control and elimination of lymphatic filariasis in Nepal, supporting the nation’s goal to eradicate this condition by 2030. The report identifies key areas for government focus to alleviate the suffering of affected individuals through a minimum care package for those with lymphoedema, elephantiasis, or hydrocele.

The report acknowledges the tireless efforts of health workers, Female Community Health Volunteers (FCHVs), and the professional medical team who meticulously collected and verified the data. The support from various levels of government was crucial in the successful completion of this project.

The report acknowledges the tireless efforts of health workers, Female Community Health Volunteers (FCHVs), and the professional medical team who meticulously collected and verified the data. The support from various levels of government was crucial in the successful completion of this project.

The comprehensive data presented will not only aid in medical planning but will also benefit other sectors in evidence-based planning to achieve national development goals.

Key Findings:

  • Detailed prevalence data on lymphoedema and hydrocele.
  • Age and sex-wise categorization of affected individuals.
  • Identification of high-risk areas requiring targeted interventions.

For more details, please refer to the full report here: